Upcoming ITOA events
| Other Events | Save the Date!ISP Top Shot 2024This year’s ISP Top Shot 2024 event is scheduled for Saturday, September 14th at ISP Troop 3 Lockport Range facility (Formerly District 5). Registration for the Main Event competition is NOW OPEN at this link- ISP TOP SHOT Registration 2024. The Main Event will feature a similar format to past years. This year we will have 2 divisions for pistols, stock duty pistols and duty pistols with optics. The specifics can be found at www.isptopshot.com. The prize table will be amazing like years past featuring Guns, Safes, Grills, Tools, Range Gear and more. Basic Police Sniper 40 Hour Training Course08:00 am 21-Oct-24 - 17:00 pm 25-Oct-24 / Rockford, IL area
Critical Law Enforcement Lessons – Learned from Active Shooter AttacksThursday, October 10, 2024, 8:00 AM – 5:00PM Presenter: Officer Ed Monk Description: This presentation will help law enforcement officers better understand the Active Shooter, his attack, the environment in which we will find and fight him, what is most likely to happen, how attacks in some types of locations differ from others and demonstrate over 20 law enforcement lessons-learned from successes and failures in efforts to interdict this threat. This information will improve the law enforcement officer's mental skill, and tactical preparation to stop the active shooter threat. Friday, October 11, 2024, 8:00 AM – 5:00PM Who Wins, Who Loses, & Why: Understanding Human Performance When Death is on the Line Presenter: Officer John Hearne (ret) Description: Human performance under stress isn’t a new topic. What makes this critically acclaimed presentation different is the recency of the research and the presenter’s background. Some of the previous works in this area are over 25 years old and don’t reflect the most recent discoveries in the field. This presentation uses the latest findings from a wide variety of fields to offer the best understanding of the topic currently available. In addition to new research, considerable time is spent debunking erroneous myths that have been circulated for years. Attendees are given a “to do” list of proven practices to improve their own ability to perform in critical circumstances. John Hearne brings the unique perspective of someone who has been a sworn peace officer since 1992, a successful competitive shooter, and a firearms instructor since 2001. His background helps translate the current research into clear, easily understood material with practical ways to implement it and improve performance. Safariland Armor Shoot September 24th, 2024 10am Location: Des Plaines Police Department 1420 Miner St Des Plaines, IL 60016 or September 25th, 2024 10am Location: Aurora Police Department 1200 E Indian Trail Aurora, IL 600505 Product: Hardwire 51 | Impac C1 Rifle Plate Hardwire® soft armor is a combination of perfectly interlaced multi-functional fibers and game-changing polymer technology. Made of Dyneema® fibers and pressed under 25 million pounds of force at precise temperatures, Hardwire turns multiple layers of material into a single system. The results are millions of fibers that once acted independently, now act as one. Hardwire proprietary manufacturing technology equates to the lightest armor in the world, with unprecedented stopping power. This sets a new standard in shock dissipation physics, momentum transfer efficiency, and ultimately, ballistic properties. c o n t a c t : J o s h M a r s h a l l j o s h m @ s t re i c h e r s . c o m | 6 3 0 - 7 1 5 - 3 8 2 2 NTOA: Supervising Patrol Critical Incidents 3/3/2025 thru 3/4/2025 Joliet , IL Co-Hosted By Will County Sheriff's Office CLICK HERE TO REGISTER FOR THIS COURSE Course Overview ***This class is not intended for SWAT Officers, as it is designed primarily for patrol officers with no SWAT experience***. This course is designed to provide patrol supervisors with the information and tools needed to manage a critical incident prior to the arrival of SWAT. Understanding the methodology used in managing a dynamic tactical problem, incident command system fundamentals, and the 4 primary types of critical incidents involving an adversary will give the patrol supervisor the tools needed to succeed during these events. NTOA Supervising Patrol Critical Incidents Flyer.pdf NTOA Supervising Patrol Critical Incidents Course Details.pdf |